Commitment-Phobe's Journey: Where's My Car?


As a mom, absentmindedness comes with the job.  Since this trait applies to many other overtasked individuals out there as well, I am on a constant quest to find and discuss those apps that can really help in a pinch.  Where’s My Car? is one such app.  
Using your Palm’s GPS capabilities, Where’s My Car? stores the location of your parked car (or any other fixed spot for that matter) and will direct you back to it at a later point in time.  Press the save button in the bottom left of the screen, and Where’s My Car? will save the coordinates, which unfortunately is not instantaneous but at least is under or around a minute.  Then when you are later ready to search for your car after being completely turned around and faced with a packed lot that seems to go on for miles, you’ll have the next best thing to a direct escort back to your car.  All you have to do is reopen the app and select the “Take Me To It” button, and the screen will display a compass-like arrow pointing in the direction you should walk in order to locate your car.  I should note that there is a difference in the level of accuracy depending on where you are, but for all intents and purposes, I found the app helpful.
There are several other parking apps with similar and even more extensive features, but Where’s My Car? does the task at hand and is one of the few, if not the only, free ones.  For my purposes, I don’t need anything fancy.  I just need to be able to find my car before myself and/or my toddler enter complete melt-down mode.  
Another app that I tested but failed to make the cut was Where Is My Pre?.  Save yourself some headache and wasted effort and skip this app.  Not sure if it was issues with the registration website, the app, my location or Pre Plus, but suffice to say, I never found my phone with it.  In the event you misplace your phone, try calling it from another line.  Works just as good with a lot less hassle, assuming your Pre is in your general vicinity.  If your concern is that your phone was stolen or in an entirely different location, then hopefully there is a similar and more accurate app out there.  I’ll let you know if I find one.
At one time or another, we all need a little help smoothing out the daily bumps caused by a little forgetfulness.  Where’s My Car? was the app that really stuck with me this week in my quest of finding those apps that make life a little easier and less of a game of memory.  Now my arsenal of apps is one step closer to helping me overcome the daily challenges of being an absentminded mom/telecommuter/wife and anything else I forgot to mention.

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