We've all seen the next-gen iPhone show its face several times over now, to the tune of a collective $9,000 (as far as we know). We've also seen it completely disassembled and we've witnessed what we presume to be a front-facing camera capable of video chat (drool!). Today, Engadget is pairing what we've seen with various tips they've received and a few tweets which all but confirm that, yes, the next-gen iPhone will indeed be sporting video chat capabilities. Their source is saying that Sam Mendes, director of the movie American Beauty, will be directing a series of commercials - one of which is said to include a shot of a mother and daughter video chatting on the device - for the upcoming iPhone 4G/HD (whatever you want to call it). Between that information and the tweets of two actors who will be auditioning for the commercials, Engadget seems confident enough to confirm that video chat will be a standard on the new iPhone. What do you think?
Via Engadget