For the past month or so several rumors and leaks about Nokia's next flagship device have been floating around the web. Today the Nokia N8 becomes official, equipped with some specs and bold statements that will no doubt leave you (at the very least) curious. According to the official Nokia Blog, "the Nokia N8 will launch with a new breed of camera that promises to capture photos and video to rival dedicated point and shoot cameras," a rather audacious claim indeed.
Here are just a few of the specs that the N8 boasts:
As you can see the N8 will be the first device sporting Symbian ^3, though according to MobileCrunch, its not much different than Sybmian ^1 and Symbian ^2. SlashGear is also reporting (based on a Russian blogger's review of a pre-release unit) that while the "stills from the camera are good...the 720p HD video isn't anything special in comparison to other handsets." However, in a later piece on the same topic, they make the point that much of the negative press the device is receiving comes from a single review on a prototype unit.
That being said, all the videos and specs look great, so my suggestion to readers would be to check it out for themselves when it becomes available in Europe in Q3 of this year. The N8 is expected to sell for €370 and there is no exact release date or carrier information as of yet. To form your own opinion of the N8, go here to view all sorts of related media. And don't forget to stop back and leave your opinion in the comments!