We’ve all grown accustomed to Apple’s “Get a Mac” ads and their hilarity, but if rumors prove to be true, we can all say goodbye to everyone's favorite anti-PC commercials. The stars of Apple’s clever little TV tidbits are Justin Long and John Hodgman. Long, during an interview with AV Club, was asked about the future of the ads, and he replied with:
“You know, I think they might be done. In fact, I heard from John, I think they’re going to move on. I can’t say definitively, which is sad, because not only am I going to miss doing them, but also working with John.”
Long’s answer isn’t solid evidence that the ads are no more, but it is a good indication of what to expect. The ads were witty and could make you chuckle the first hundred times you saw them, but just like any commercial, they grew stale (just like Apple's "There’s an app for that," FreeCreditReport.com, and eTrade's baby spots). With other companies nipping at Apple’s heels, I’m sure they’re ready to retaliate and they probably have a few ads set to chop and hack at Windows 7, Windows Phone 7, and Google/Android.
I’m curious to see where Apple takes it, and how creative they get this time. Will they go simple again, or will they make something more visually pleasing, like the DROID commercials? What would you like to see from them?