Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I've got only got a few minutes (I hope) to cover the weekly news before my wife recovers from a food-induced coma. But considering the very recent - and likely temporary - slow down in Android news, I should be able to hit the main points.
Motorola Droid
So things have slowed down a bit since the launch of Droid and Eris, but that doesn't mean they're out of the picture just yet. I was able to complete a written review and three part Q&A video series on Droid before sending it off to Mr. Carlos Graves. Although it's only been gone for a few days, I have to admit that I miss it a bit. I am enjoying Eris, however. If I was currently looking for a device, I might pick one up at WalMart for $30. Then again, I could pre-order the Milestone and run it on AT&T's or T-Mobile. (Not on AT&T's 3G, as I had previously thought.
1.6 and Google Nav
Google gave folks running Android 1.6 Market access to their much hyped Google Maps with turn-by-turn navigation app. Fantastic, right? Well, that depends. It's great if you own a G1 or myTouch, but folks with neither of those phones nor the Droid may be stuck in the middle.
Sony Ericsson’s webSDK and the $4,000 challenge
Sony Ericsson launched its webSDK this past week and it order to kick things off proper, they instituted a contest by which the coder who creates the best X10 app by December 31st can win $4,000. Not bad, eh?
Camangi Webstation
After recent news of Dell's own tablet plans, it's nice to see another company poking their heads into the ring. Camangi's Webstation is almost ready to roll at $400, but those who sign up for pre-registration with Camangi get $100 off.
Gamelost very publicly stated that Android development was becoming a liability rather than an asset to many a game-making firm and individuals this week, which has people taking every position you can imagine on the validity and competition-worthiness of Android as an app platform - generally when placed next to Apple's OSX for iPhone.
It was quick, but those are the bigger Android stories from the previous week, folks. And I've got a family to tend to. You should be doing something other than scouring blogs today anyhow. But for those who haven't stuffed every last inch of their stomachs or tech curiosity, here are a few other bits:
Take care.