Featured News: BBerryDog is up and running!
After months of planning, logo work, and more, I'm proud to say that BBerryDog, PhoneDog's BlackBerry-themed sister website, has launched! Featuring exclusive BlackBerry content that wouldn't otherwise be posted on PhoneDog, it's your home away from home (well, I sometimes refer to it as a "vacation home" - along with DroidDog). Be sure to make your way around the website, check out the articles, read the comments, and sign up for the forums!
BlackBerry Curve 8530 (Verizon) launches; first impressions available
The BlackBerry Curve 8530 launched in the retail channel today (November 20th), but thanks to Verizon Wireless and FedEx, mine arrived a day early. The verdict? You'll have to find out for yourself!
3G BlackBerry Pearl 9100 Stratus pictures!
They've revamped the Curve, Storm, and Bold - why would they stop at the Pearl? Thanks to CrackBerry and Salomondrin, we get our first look at what the next generation Pearl (9100, also known as the "Stratus" or "Striker") will look like. Though the SureType keyboard is the same (barring some font differences), the design and trackpad are symbols of RIM's new direction. For more, check out the writeup at BBerryDog.
App: Stop Turning! stops accelerometer in its tracks
There are few things more irritating (to me, at least) than laying in bed and having to hold your BlackBerry Storm a certain way so the accelerometer doesn’t kick in. Usually, I end up having to twist my arm to keep the device in portrait mode while keeping my head on the pillow. Needless to say, it's not comfortable. If you share the issue, Stop Turning! is here to help. Pricing and availability can be found here.