Leave it to our great readers to find the best wireless deals on the net! Posted on the forums a moment ago, Dell (found through DealNews) is offering the Nokia E71 for $180. Type in coupon code "7LXC0FZZR54P3X," and the price drops to $162. With free shipping included, that's a phenomenal deal for a handset with a full QWERTY keyboard, 3G, 3.2-megapixel camera, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, A-GPS, microSD card slot, and MP3 functionality. Considering that Best Buy sells the unlocked device for $459, it's worth a look.
Nokia E71 for under $200? I've always said that if the E71 dropped in price, I would consider using it as my primary device - at $162, it's a steal. Anyone else with me?
Thanks, Brandt! The forum post can be found here.
Edit: Uhoh - not five minutes after we went live with this, Dell changed the price - the E71's instant savings have dropped from $150 to $60, making the device $270. The coupon still works, but it only drops the price to $243. Not a bad deal, but we preferred the $162 price tag! -AB