Of course as soon as we post the mother of all Palm Pre news round-ups, another item comes in from Precentral.net (not that I'm complaining). If you're the sort of person who likes geeking out over leaked corporate documents, then this might be right up your alley.
Supposedly this PDF, which intended for internal use, was mistakenly sent to a Precentral forum member called monkeydog:
"I called the Sprint reseller affiliated with my employer and got on their list for the Palm Pre. The rep sent me a Pre Launch Guide intended for Sprint internal use only. I was going to post it here, but it's 1MB which is too large for forum rules. Here are a few notable points:
- SERO plans will not work on the Pre
- The Pre is an exchange-only phone -- no parts or repair available
- Documents To Go will be available in ROM for read-only... ability to update comes later
- You must have a Palm profile to use the phone
- The GPS requires Google Mobile
- You can remotely wipe your Pre using a Palm Profile page"
The file is actually 23 pages long, so if you want to head over to Precentral's forums, register and then download the whole thing, you can click here.
If you don't feel like it, here are some nuggets from the PDF: Looks like there will be Exchange support, Cisco Unified Messaging and quite some Wi-fi security (including EAP-TLS, PEAP v1/v2, EAP-TTLS, EAP-FAST, and LEAP), plus info on which plans will work. (Sorry, SERO subscribers. Maybe the Sprint Employee Referral Offer sounded like a good idea at the time, but you'll have to upgrade to the Everything Data or Everything Plus plans if you want the Pre.) Also spotted is full push support, which can handle several Exchange accounts, and a feature for searching Global Addresses on the server.
Precentral also urges soon-to-be Pre users to fill out the all-important Palm Profile (otherwise suffer an inoperable handset), accept Google Mobile's TOS to ensure GPS functionality, wear clean underwear and always look both ways before crossing the street. (Okay, I made up the last two, but jeez, I've already got a mom. Thanks, though.)
The details are interesting, sure, but I'm mostly intrigued by the language. Apparently Sprint is expecting the Pre to "smoke" the competition, which is pretty straightforward. But the line at the bottom of the following page reads, "We Can't Afford to Sell the Pre to the Wrong Customers." Now, what do you think that means?
[via Precentral]