In what seems to be a stream of beta software builds flowing out of Waterloo, OS has made its way into the hands of tech-loving BlackBerry Storm users. According to Crackberry's forums, some say that the build offers improvements on the speed front, but several have experienced lockups with their devices. Comments from one early adopter seemed to be positive:
Just downloaded new .141 OS. Easy download. No problems. I haven't discovered any major differences. Everything is fast and smooth.
To me, this is part of a bigger question (for those Storm users in the US): when is Verizon going to get on the ball and release something newer than OS I realize that testing takes time, but we haven't seen an update since December of last year. As with any beta software build, install at your own risk. If you're not comfortable with the idea of installing a new operating system on your device, I would recommend holding out for more feedback or waiting for the next official software release. Detailed installation instructions can be found here.
Source: Crackberry