I'm going to try to unload all of the news, rumor, speculation, and prominent opinion that has been working its way through the cracks of the Internet over the last few days, but I'm sure I'll miss a bit or two - hence the parenthesized, "almost."
First thing's first. Unstrung reports that pre-orders for magic begin in the UK today, while Android Authority sets the pre-order delivery date as May 5th. Early ordering will get you £5 off of the monthly plan. All sources are pointing to this Friday for in-store sales.
Now for all of you G1 owners; you want to know what's up with Cupcake, correct? Check out this feature walk-through video. Cool, eh? Well, it isn't all sunshine. Read an article at Android Community to find out what the update is doing to current applications. I can confirm that some of my own have stopped working.
I am not running the official release - but what was (at the time of this posting) Haykuro's last rooted build. He has since posted the official Google Cupcake release for developer phones. I haven't switched because I like having root. After the update the Market forgot a couple of apps I purchased, but that's for another post. Here's a Tech Crunch post on the backward compatibility issue.
According to Beta News, the average G1 owner could see the true, final Cupcake image this week. I think I'll just wait for confirmation before I stand behind this one. I'd still cautiously offer what I hope is the conservative estimate of June.
One last sprinkle of rumour for you: Averatec CEO Tae-Hyun told CNET that they are releasing a 10-inch netbook in Q3 with a surprise OS that is a "merger of cell phone and PC technology." I'm not going to spend too much energy on that one. These guys love playing with us (a vague reference to P.R., upstarts, and OEMs - not CNET).