T-Mobile USA yesterday sent Save the Date emails to members of the press, inviting us to a "private launch event" on April 21 in New York City. Yep, we'll be there, even if we don't yet know exactly where and when the event is or which of us will be on the scene.
T-Mo's intentionally vague invite has thus far served as a textbook example of "social viral networked hype-making free PR 101," as the small corner of the InterWebs that mobile tech geeks like me inhabit is all, ahem, a twitter with speculation as to what may be unveiled in the Big Apple a week from Tuesday.
By way of twitter, a few choice guesses to get your nerdy blood boiling in advance (bonus points if you can guess which guesses were authored by yours truly):
What will go down on the 21st? Your guess is as good as mine, though mine is either new Sidekick or new HTC Android device, both of which we all know are coming sooner or later. Sound off in the comments!