The two halves of that headline are only linked in that they both have
to do with money, and that Apple figures into the story of each half at
least a little bit. Jon Stewart used an Apple-related video clip as
part of his assault on Jim Cramer on last night's Daily Show, and Apple ... well, Apple fits into
just about every angle of the Palm story this year.
That said, cue a more clever headline: Pre-monition? Pre-mature? Pre-dominate? Just-another-Pre-tender?.
Palm's stock closed at 8.39 in
after-hours trading Friday and was up nearly 40% for the week,
according to Yahoo! Finance.
The stock was also upgraded to "Outperform" by one of those places
that may or may not have helped destroy credit in America (I honestly
have no idea how finance works and/or which banks are Good Guys or Bad
Palm started out at 6 even on the left side of Yahoo!s chart and wound up at 8.39 way over on the right; that's a gain of $2.39 for the week, or about 39.8%. In other words, if you'd bought $600 of Yahoo stock first thing Monday morning and sold it last thing today, you'd now have $839 minus comissions. And when I saw if you'd bought it, you know I'm looking at my wallet and thinking about my own "expert phone guy" self. Heh.
It's funny, too, because Palm held a pretty ho-hum Pre Webcast for media this past Tuesday just a few hours after Apple announced, well, that they will be making an annoucement (iPhone-related media event set for next week) ... and the blogs seemed to be pretty excited about the Apple pre-preview-announcement. Did you see how I worked "pre" into that last bit there? Totally Pre-cious, right?
Apple stock, by the way, was up from 85.73 to 96.30 for the week, or just over 11%.