Seemingly marketed at the Soccer Mom crowd, SE launched two "touchscreen organizers with a broad appeal" at their MWC press event Sunday. The G900 features a 2.4" touch display along with WiFi and a 5MP camera, while the G700 loses the WiFi and drops down to a 3.2MP camera.
Both handsets feature handwriting recognition with a Notes feature that lets users jot down grocery lists, random thoughts and the like and stick them to the home screen Post-Its style. Neither handset is optimized for the North American market, but the tri-band GSM 900/1800/1900 radios will work in certain of T-Mobile's markets, anyway, if you don't mind GPRS-only data access.
It's actually a shame that SE didn't make these global quad-band handsets. Between the touchscreens, Symbian OS, Opera Web Browsers, and compact, 13mm-thin form factors, these new G-series handsets look like a nice mix of ease of use and high-end features. Look for them to ship to non-US markets in Q2 of this year, with the G700 available in Silk Bronze and the G900 in your choice of Dark Red or Dark Brown.
Learn more at the SE MWC GSMA 2008 site from here.