is reporting that Google will be announcing T-Mobile as their first cellular partner, and that said announcement could be coming next week. (Remember, I quoted USA Today about Google and TMob at the beginning of the week?) But they're also saying most folks will be disappointed by the announcement, as it will feature neither an actual piece of hardware nor even a true mobile operating system from the search giant.
"As we've said, there is no Googlephone. Instead of a phone as slick and streamlined as Google's search interface, instead we may see customized mobile versions of Google services like Gmail and YouTube -- but those already exist," wrote Valleywag's Owen Thomas in a Friday Nov 2 npost. "And instead of a free mobile operating system, you'll more likely see something like Google's OpenSocial initiative for social networks -- a set of programming tools, in other words."
Yawn. I'm really excited to see what Google does/doesn't do to the mobile marketplace. And I'm really tired of idle speculation - especially since we're now in the "it won't be much of anything" phase of rumor mongering. Not that Valleywag is rumor mongering. Well, actually, their story is titled "Rumormonger," so never mind. But they're probably right.
Read Google and T-Mobile to announce deal Monday from here.