Land Line Phone Service or Cellular Service?

<P><STRONG>Keep your local and long distance land line service or switch to solely owning a cell phone?</STRONG> </P>
<P>This is the questions that I?m sure numerous people ask themselves at one point or another, and for a good reason.&nbsp; Some people do not see the point in owning two phones when in the long run a cell phone may save you money, but may not be for everyone; there are advantages to both types of service.</P>
<P>Here are some advantages to land line phone service:</P>
<LI>When using land line phone service, you know you are going to have a good connection in order to be able to make a clear call. </LI>
<LI>Depending on a person's location in the US, land line phone service MAY be cheaper.&nbsp;A person's estimated usage can also have an affect on the cost. </LI>
<LI>If you do not make many long distance calls, a per minute rate may be cheaper for your long distance usage per month.&nbsp; </LI></UL>
<P>Here are some advantages to owning only a cell phone: </P>
<LI>You can take your cell phone anywhere with you, and obviously your land line phone has to stay connected to a wall jack. </LI>
<LI>Cellular service may suit someone's needs better that make a lot of long distance calls within a month's time.&nbsp; </LI>
<LI>Long distance service is usually included in the monthly price of a cellular plan which may be the same monthly price for local land line service before adding the long distance service.</LI></UL>
<P>##SITENAMESHORT&nbsp;offers up to date information for numerous companies for both local and long distance land line service and cellular service with phones.&nbsp;The goal of&nbsp;##SITENAMESHORT is to make all telecom decisions easy.&nbsp; Even if you need assistance there is friendly helpful customer service just a phone call or e-mail away.&nbsp; </P>

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