
Having great service on your cell phone makes everyone productive.  Enjoy articles from all of your favorite PhoneDog editors about the celluar industry and it's productivity.

I asked Joshua Phillips of security firm, Lenel, to give us an overview of their latest mobile service addition that enables customers to control...
14 years 7 months ago
When I was working with the BlackBerry Storm2, I noticed that the lower left hand corner was noticeably harder to push than anywhere else on the...
14 years 9 months ago
Wow!  The first half of the NBA season has really been exciting.  Players have been making ridiculously amazing shots from all over the court along...
14 years 10 months ago
If the numerous complaints regarding AT&T's network over the years (particularly when the iPhone is in question) is any consolation of the...
14 years 11 months ago
As if finanical issues weren't enough to worry about, Sony Ericsson's flagship device is causing trouble at two UK-based phone retailers. Carphone...
15 years 4 weeks ago
Though data service appears to be largely unaffected, reports have poured in regarding a nationwide T-Mobile voice outage.  Earlier in the evening,...
15 years 1 month ago
Neat things happen when educators use phones in innovative ways. (And bad things happen when they don't. See my rant on the topic here.)At least...
15 years 5 months ago
Man, I love DIY stuff. This one's no exception. Given the fact that new 3G S owners have proven ? in large numbers ? to be vid-crazy, the following...
15 years 5 months ago
I knew this would happen. I recorded a video while a new version was being released. Development is moving so quick on this project that any review...
15 years 8 months ago
Buying from the priced Android Market is just too easy, and I've had a hard time holding back. $3.99 is a bit steep for the average app, but as you'...
15 years 9 months ago
The folks at Skyfire aren't playing around. I had an understanding of their objectives a couple of months ago, but I am impressed with the results...
15 years 10 months ago
15 years 11 months ago
15 years 12 months ago
03/13/2007 BASKING RIDGE, NJ ? While Chicago is dyeing its river emerald and New York City is lining Fifth Avenue with shamrocks, wireless customers...
17 years 9 months ago