this phone is awesome, it has a great ui right out of the box for those who aren't willing to root. The only complaint is the battery life which leaves me charging it at least once in the middle of the day.
This thing has the best display on the market. The note is beyond phone.
I use to have an HTC One X and it was great, but now that i have my nexus i realize this is a much, much better phone!. Particularly battery and performance wise.
Currently own this device and its hands down the best device.
This phone is by far the best android phone ever created. The interface is so fluid, that it makes you think that you are using the phone as it were part of nature.
The display is amazing and crisp and the best choice other than the HTC One X for everyone who does not prefer the extensive blues of AMOLED. Battery Life is also amazing for daily use with LTE on. It's a little wider than most phones, but still a good size. Screen is a little smaller than normal phones because of the on screen buttons.
i love the s pen and it's the first android that i own that doesn't lag !
With its Huge Screen, Its 3100 mAh Battery and its S Pen, The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is a Revolutionary Product ! Although I don't have one, I just know that this phone will be The Phablet of all Phablets !
I've owned and used the Iphone and Galaxy S3. And I must say by far this phone is the best. Now that being said it's not a one size fits all phone. However in my opinion it fits my needs. The screen size is just right. The device is fast. Love being about to multi-task with the popup windows. Thisnphone hit the money.
My friend purchased this phone and it is GREAT! This is the new thing for 2013
I had the S3, loved it. Samsung really improved upon Touchwiz. Their gesture features are extremely innovative and useful. I got rid of mg S3 and got a Note 2. It's basically the same greatness from an S3 with a bigger screen. Also, the Note 2 has great added bonuses like 2 apps on the screen simultaneously and all of the S pen greatness. Battery life is good. Overall great phone
It is a very impressive phone rather a Phablet.It can put you in its love circle at first view !!
In this day and age of illegal unlocked phones. Well what better place to go to than an out of the box unlocked, Nexus 4. Times are tough to be locked down to one carrier with outrages fees for 2yrs. And the Nexus 4, saves the day with carrier choice. It has a great display, great reception and call quality. Battery life is superb if you manage your settings. You will easily make it through the day. Design is great also not as cheap looking as other people claim. You want apps they got apps. The Play Store rocks at 1yr old. It will get even better with more birthdays to come. No more waiting around for other Android phone manufactures or carriers for late updates. This phone is straight from Google. So no more waiting in line forever. The Nexus 4 will get you in VIP style. Tmobile's 4g network is great so no need for LTE. The network gets the job done. Everyone raved about the iPhones before the iPhone 5. And those phones always had 3g. So at least the Nexus has 4g. The Nexus 4 is not for cry babies so no crying about lack of LTE. I highly recommend the Nexus 4. =)
perfect phone for anyone to have.. the design is very good.. but i gave it a 4 because samsung gave all devices the same design as the S3..
The phone is not make of metal like HTC phones, but it still feels like a well built phone in your hand. The display is beautiful even it it's not 1080p, the features that Samsung packed into this phone made me want to buy it. I purchased 2 about 2 weeks ago full price for my wife and I. We both live them. Every feature may not be useful to you, but several that Samsung pack in there will be. People say that Smart Stay does not work. Many of the have a GS3. It work great on the Note 2 if your not wearing glasses. I wear glasses most of the time and if still works pretty good. maybe about 80 percent of the time. My previous Smartphones were 4 Blackberry's and 4 HTC's. This is my first Samsung Smartphone. I highly recommend this phone!!!