When you buy a new phone from a carrier store, a rep at that shop will often help you to get your new phone set up, transfer your contacts from your old phone, and more. You don’t get that kind of service when you buy a phone from your carrier’s website, but a new Sprint service aims to change that.
Sprint Direct 2 You will send a Sprint representative to you, wherever you are, to help you set up your new smartphone. The rep will meet you at your home, your work, at a coffee shop, or wherever else. Once Sprint’s rep arrives with your phone in tow, he or she will activate and set up your new phone, transfer all of your contacts and data from your old phone, and help you personalize it to your liking.
Sprint’s new setup service will launch 30 reps in the Kansas City area today, April 13, with expansions to Chicago and Miami on April 20. More expansions will occur throughout 2015, and by the end of the year, Sprint expects that it’ll have around 5,000 Direct 2 You vehicles available.
While ordering a new phone online is often a lot more convenient than traveling to a carrier store, but you then typically have to do the setup and transfer process yourself. A lot of us phone addicts are probably comfortable doing this, but there are a lot of folks out there that don’t know exactly what to do, especially if they’re changing platforms. Sprint Direct 2 You can save them the trouble of stumbling around Google and bring a person to them that can setup their phone and answer any questions that they might have. And hey, it’s free.