Digg is my favorite user-submitted and controlled social news website. That sounds like a lot of qualifiers but I'm just trying to be descriptive. I am a big fan of Digg. I also like to read quite a bit about Google and Android. Unfortunately, Google doesn't have a their own subcategory under the tech header on the Digg home page.
Microsoft and Apple both have their own categories and if you search either of those terms on Digg, you'll find about 15,000 stories submitted for each. But if you search for Google, you'll gret around 250,000 results. Wha? Why should Microsoft and Apple - with a relatively low number of search results - get their own categories while the extrodinarily popular Google is ignored?
Well, I've decided to attempt to raise the question in a highly-visible forum - the most important to the Digg community and behind-the-scenes crew: the Digg home page. I need your help to do this. If you go to this DroidDog post, you'll find a Digg badge at the top (as seen in the image below). If you believe in the cause and have a Digg account, sign in and Digg the story. If you believe in the cause but don't have a Digg account, get one! It's free and the site is fascinating. If you have the time, you could even read the DroidDog post.
If we get enough Diggs, the site will pay attention. That's how the image category was born. I'm curious to see if we can make a difference. Thanks for your help!
Below is an image of the DroidDog post.
Click it to open a new page where you can Digg the story.
Please don't use the one at the top of this page.
One submission is enough.