When Apple announced the new iPad on Wednesday, it said that the although the new iOS slate wouldn't be launching on March 16th, pre-orders would begin after the event wrapped. Initial pre-orders of the new iPad are expected to arrive on the 16th, but today Apple's site shows that the Cupertino firm has sold out of its launch day pre-order supply. Perusing the online store shows that any iPad pre-orders placed right now will be shipped by March 19th.
On another quick iPad-related note, Apple has confirmed that any new iPads purchased outside of the U.S. will work with AT&T LTE here in the States, provided you've got the appropriate SIM card and data plan. As The Verge notes, that means it seems that it's the AT&T model that's being sold overseas.
So what happens if you didn't get your iPad pre-order in before shipping estimates slipped to the 19th? Well, you can still place an order for an iPad on Apple's site, but you'll likely have to wait until later in the week after launch for it to arrive. There's also always the option of leaving the house and heading on over to your local Apple store (or other retailer that'll be offering the device) to hang out with some like-minded, iPad-wanting folks and try to snag one. I wouldn't be surprised to see some new iPads pop up on Craigslist on launch day as well, though you may end up paying a bit of a premium if you go that route. How many of you out there won't have to worry about hunting down an iPad on the 16th because you were able to secure a launch day pre-order?