If you caught my post about an Android development branch called cupcake, you have an idea of what to expect in what we all hope are near-future updates. You also probably have an idea about what isn't going to be here anytime soon. This is my list of things I'd like to see in 2009; as an Android lover, as an advocate of Open Source Software, as some sort of consumer representative, and just as a guy who likes his phone to work and do cool stuff.
1.) Flash. I'm listing this more for you than for myself. I don't need it that much, but maybe you do, and Android definitely does. With stereo bluetooth and a landscape soft QWERTY, flash support could make you-know-who look a bit negligent. It would be foolish to think we'd have Android as we do without the iPhone, so don't think I'm trying to put the carriage before the horse.
2.) Fewer analogies and metaphors in my posts about Android. God, I'm a hack.
3.) Theming. This one is a given as far as I'm concerned. Android is not yet open, but it will be. We haven't seen anything yet.
4.) Third-party widgets are a must. The desktop Linux world is on par with Apple at this point, but Google will probably go with their own brand (like the clock and Google search), which I'm not a big fan of. Independent producers will provide, I hope. If nothing else, Google needs to get crackin' on pushing their own widgets out.
5.) More, more, more integration with big name apps for desktops of all varieties. Android is currently an industry outsider, but read this in twelve months and it will make no sense.
6.) Lucky number seven. VIDEO CALLS: Secondary cameras are becoming more common, but I've still never made a two-way mobile video call. I want to see this on every phone, and the leading devices should all be offering non-proprietary, carrier independent, high-quality video calling, soon. Without ridiculous fees. Surely, I jest.
7.) Universal update manager. There is some language in the latest cupcake feature list that alludes to this. I just want to know that I can grab all updates in a tap or three, rather than do one app at a time. Maybe start with all programs checked, and have the ability to uncheck the ones we don't want to update. Like for example, a new textonphone premium release.
8.) ROOT! Let the user setup a password and protect it from applications. What's the big deal? Unless this happens, Android will never be truly open. Make it a hassle to get to, I don't care. But make it available.
9.) A complete office solution. Again, not a big deal to me. It's just a question we need to be able to respond to with, "check!" That means, at minimum, a reader for the major formats of text documents, spreadsheets, etc.
10.) An animated dock! I don't know if this is even possible, but if a light one came along that could do a quarter of what AWN or the OSX dock do, it would be the inspiration for untold numbers of YouTube videos and bragging rights. Good for Android, good for OSS, good for users. I dig the triple homescreen layout. It's just a thought.
So those are the features I think Android needs to mature and get respect in the eyes of the uninitiated. They're also some of the ones I'd personally love to see. What about you? I'm sure I've left out some great ideas. Let me know in the comments.