Man, oh man. Once you get sucked into the culture of cooked ROMs, it's hard to break free. Don't get me wrong, I don't have the vaguest understanding of how subversive coders accomplish the fruits of their (and others') labor, but I sure am seduced by said fruits...and pastries.
Donut will be dropping soon for those with a rooted G1, and I suppose I'm obliged to try it out and prepare for a bit of show and tell. This is especially true because a recent OTA update seems to have made rooting temporarily impossible for phones that aren't already hacked, if I understand correctly. Word on Donut is system-wide (or close to it) multi-touch. Anyone who's played Prince of Persia on a G1 knows how badly this is needed.
Also on the menu are automated back-ups and universal search. Yay!
See this xda thread, and this video of Donut at Google I/O.
I've got a Hero review to write, so you all can take it from here. :0)