Ewan MacLeod

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Ewan MacLeod

Ewan founded MobileIndustryReview.com (or “SMS Text News” as he originally christened the site) back in October 2005 — but actually began publishing daily, two months later, on the 26th of January 2006. He lives in Chiswick, London, making him ideal as PhoneDog's "EuroDog" on call. His adopted city is San Francisco and he can often be seen flying Virgin America across the States, but always British Airways across the pond.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Mobile Developer TV: Symbian's sensor framework used in Sony Ericsson

We were pleasantly surprised to see the Symbian sensor framework being used on the all new Sony Ericsson Vivaz. In this video, we should you how the Sony Ericsson team have integrated it into the...

Mobile Developer TV: Quick hands-on with the BlackBerry Storm2

A quick look at the BlackBerry Storm2 from Vodafone by Mobile Developer TV.

Mobile Developer TV: Using the N900's linux terminal mode

A few people have asked me to check out the linux terminal mode on the Nokia N900. I've done that. Here's a very quick video demonstrating 'top' and 'ps' running on the device.

Mobile Developer TV: Nokia N900 running Google Wave

I was wondering how the Nokia N900 Maemo device would cope with Google Wave... would it work? Have Google created a custom version, as they have for iPhone and Android? How would it perform?

Mobile Developer TV: First impressions of the Nokia N900 part 2

Here's the second part of the first impressions video.

Mobile Developer TV: First Impression of the Nokia N900 Maemo handset

I just got the device about 10 minutes ago... see what you think.

Mobile Developer TV: Rafe Blandford's hands-on with the Nokia N900 Maemo

At Nokia World, I sat down and had a play with the Nokia N900 Maemo device. It is, of course, pre-release -- but that didn't stop the nice looking interface begin to impress. What I really wanted to...

Mobile Developer TV: Hands-on with the Nokia N97 Mini and X6

Some say he can open doors just by looking at them -- and that he never, ever sweats. All I know is that he's called: Rafe Blandford. Rafe, founder of All About Symbian, knows a thing or two about...
