Xiaomi's Mimoji characters look similar to Apple's Memoji

Memoji is a big feature of iOS, letting you create a custom emoji character that you can use in iMessage. Now another manufacturer has rolled out its own customizable emoji that a little similar to Apple's version.

Xiaomi has introduced human Mimoji (above) that look more than a little like Apple's Memoji characters (below). Engadget notes that Xiaomi has actually had Mimoji before but they were animal characters. With the launch of its new CC9 phones, Xiaomi is also adding the first human Mimoji characters to its custom emoji feature.

In addition to the similar name, Xiaomi's Mimoji have a similar art style to Apple's Memoji. The eyes and faces look similar, and Mimoji characters can stick out there tongue, which is a feature that Apple recently added to Memoji. Xiaomi's implementation isn't a straight copy of Apple's, though, as there are different hats and hairstyles to choose from.

The Xiaomi CC9 goes on sale in China later this month, but it's unlikely that we'll see either the phone or the Mimoji arrive in the U.S., which means Apple probably isn't going to try and sue or anything like that. Apple certainly isn't the first or only company to offer 3D emoji creation — Samsung has its own AR Emoji —but the look and the name of Xiaomi's Mimoji are similar to Apple's Memoji. 

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