Google working on redesigned Android share menu that'll be 'much faster'

The share menu is a major feature of Android that aims to make it easy to send content using all of the apps at your disposal. However, the share interface has become a bit slow recently, but the good news is that Google is on it.

Dave Burke, Google's VP of Engineering for Android, has confirmed that Google is working to improve Android's share menu. "It's a priority, just a big job," Burke said in response to a question about whether Google will make the share sheet speedy. "We're working on a redesign with a different underlying data model (push vs pull) that will be much faster and nicer to use."

The existing share menu on Android runs a query for the sharing intent on all of your apps each time the share interface is opened, making for a slow experience even on higher-end models. Google is working to make things faster, but we don't really know when the improved share menu will arrive. At least those of us frustrated by the lag every time that we want to share something can now rest a little easier knowing that Google is working to make it better.

Do you have issues with Android's share menu?

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