Google Glass expected to be redesigned from scratch by Nest's Tony Fadell

Last month, Google’s Glass program underwent some big changes that included the end of the Explorer program, moving Glass from the Google X research program into Google proper, and putting Nest head Tony Fadell in charge of the project. Now a new report claims that Fadell is going to do things a bit differently than Google did with the Explorer program.

In a report detailing the history of Google Glass and just how the eyewear came to be, Nick Bilton of the New York Times claims to have been told by sources that Tony Fadell is planning to totally redesign Glass from scratch. And unlike the Explorer program, which was meant for early testing and to help improve Glass, Fadell is reportedly not going to release his Glass to the public until it’s complete. 

“There will be no experimentation,” said one of Fadell’s advisors. “Tony is a product guy and he’s not going to release something until it’s perfect.”

Google Glass is definitely an interesting product, but the look of the device definitely felt like it was early on in its life and perhaps not yet ready for primetime. Most of the public wasn’t ready for Glass, either, with a lot of people concerned that Glass wearers would film them or photograph them without their consent. It’ll be interesting to see how different Fadell’s version of Glass looks compared to the Explorer version and how the new model will be marketed.

What changes do you think should be made in the new version of Google Glass?

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