T-Mobile tipped to be planning SIM Starter Kit price increase

Yesterday we learned that Verizon would be tweaking its early termination policy so that an ETF wouldn’t start decreasing until the eighth month of a contract. Now a rumor suggests that T-Mobile’s got a policy change of its own in the works.

Our pals at TmoNews have gotten word from a “trusted source” that T-Mobile plans to increase the price of its SIM Starter Kit that’s available for existing T-Mobile phones or unlocked devices. The SIM Starter Kit is currently priced at $10, but it’s said that T-Mo will soon bump that price up to $15.

It’s suggested that the reason for this change could be an attempt to increase T-Mobile’s revenues. While a 50 percent price increase may sound like a lot, I’m betting that a lot of folks buying the SIM Starter Kit will just shell out the extra 5 bucks to get the SIM for their phone.

Via TmoNews

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