Gmail for Android app update rolling out with vacation responder, wider attachment support and more

New Android Device Manager app not enough piping hot Google newness for one day? The Big G's got your back, as it's also rolling out an update to its official Gmail app. According to a post on the official +Gmail Google+ page, the updated app includes the ability to create or update a vacation responder directly on your device as well as support for sending any kind of attachment, including documents, PDFs and zip files. Google also says that the app supports the cloud print functionality found in Android 4.4 and better performance on low-memory devices thanks to KitKat's Project Svelte.

So far this looks like a nice little update that, while not exactly adding any earth-shattering features, does make the Gmail app a better piece of software. And considering that Gmail is one app that most users of Google's own Android platform likely access several times every day, small additions like a vacation responder and support for .ZIP downloads are worth getting excited about. The update will likely take a few days to roll out to every Android device, so don't fret too much if you're not seeing it in your neck of the woods quite yet. If you're already getting antsy at the thought that you're not creating a vacation responder right this second, the folks over at Android Police have posted the official .APK for sideloading.

Via +Gmail, Google Play Store: Gmail for Android

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