Ubuntu Touch for smartphones and tablets set for Oct. 17 launch

Canonical's Ubuntu Touch for smartphones and tablets has steadily been evolving throughout 2013. The software was first announced in early January, and then a Developer Preview was released in February. After spending several months baking in the oven, it appears that the Ubuntu Touch software is finally ready for is 1.0 release.

In a blog post that was put up on Sept. 17, Ubuntu Phone QA community coordinator Nicholas Skaggs announced that the launch of full-on Ubuntu Linux 13.10 was just a month away. Skaggs went on to say that as part of that release, a new Ubuntu Touch image will be released for supported devices. The list of hardware that can run this version of Ubuntu Touch includes the GSM Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10.

A recent Ubuntu Phone team email from Canonical technical architect Loïc Minier backs the Oct. 17 release date, saying "only four and a half weeks to go and phone 1.0 will be a reality!".

Ubuntu Touch is the smartphone and tablet-friendly version of Ubuntu that features Edge Magic, a quick way of navigating around the OS that involves the user swiping from the edges of their device's display. For example, a swipe from the left side of the screen will bring up a list of the user's favorite apps.

Unfortunately for anyone without one of the aforementioned Nexus devices, Canonical doesn't expect to release dedicated Ubuntu Touch hardware until 2014. However, if you are a member of Club Nexus and are interested in giving Ubuntu Touch a go, it looks like Oct. 17 is the date to mark on your calendar!

Via PCWorld, The Orange Notebook, Loïc Minier email

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