Microsoft smart watch prototypes rumored to sport semitransparent aluminum body, tweaked Windows 8

It seems as though just about every major tech company is rumored to be prepping its own take on the smart watch, a product that's been growing in popularity lately thanks to Kickstarter-backed models from MetaWatch and Pebble. Microsoft is one of those firms, and this morning some new details on the Redmond firm's prototype wristwear has made its way online. 

According to sources speaking to AmongTech, Microsoft is currently testing out its smart watch hardware in a blue, red, yellow, black, white, and gray and that the unit's wrist band will be removable. The housing of Microsoft's smart watch prototype is said to be made of Oxynitride Aluminium, a semitransparent aluminum that's several times harder than glass, and it's said that inside of the watch will be a 4G LTE connection and 6GB of storage.

The Verge went on to add a couple more juicy details on Microsoft's upcoming wrist gear. The site's sources say that the watches that are currently being tested are running a tweaked build of Windows 8, which is meant to make it easy for the device to talk to other Windows-powered hardware. It's said that the work of testing out this smart watch has now fallen to Microsoft's Surface team.

The smart watch category isn't new, but it hasn't grown quite a bit lately thanks to Kickstarter, the success of some projects on that site, and the media coverage that followed. Now everyone from Apple to Google to Microsoft to Samsung are reportedly prepping their own smart watch hardware, and it'll be interesting to see not only what these companies' takes on the smart watch look like, but also if wristwear from these more well-known firms can help drive smart watch adoption rates even higher.

Via AmongTech, The Verge

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