Why is the LG Nexus the only one being leaked?

We are seeing a lot of leaks of a new LG-branded device. Right now, it’s being called the Nexus 4 (thanks to a leak), but the most recent leak, at least as of the time of this writing, points out the model number is E960. In the last week, we’ve actually seen the device four different times, which is probably getting close to a record for a leaked device. While it’s great that we’re getting to see the next Nexus device in such a way, long before its official announcement, I’m unable to keep the questions from rattling around in my head.

Unfortunately, it isn’t questions so much about this rumored device, but where all the other Nexus devices are.

If you’ll recall, and I’m sure you do, there’s been a rumor swirling around for quite some time now that there is going to be more than one Nexus-branded device that finds its way onto marketplace shelves this year. While I’m not a fan of weighing down the market with all sorts of different devices, I do think that having more than one Nexus device is a great strategy. That is one rumors that I can really get behind.

That’s why these numerous leaks regarding the LG-branded Nexus 4 have me a bit unsettled. As it stands right now, we’re expecting to hear an official announcement about the next Nexus by the end of this month. Which would make perfect sense if we look at the amount of leaks and information we’re seeing find its way onto the Internet right now. It’s the way these things tend to work. As we inch closer to the official unveiling, the leaks pick up, and we basically have a pretty clear picture painted by the time the curtain is lifted.

The picture I’m seeing right now is one that doesn’t really match with the previous rumors about multiple Nexus devices. Which is unfortunate. And that’s why I posed the question in the title of this article yesterday on Twitter. I wanted to find out what others think about these leaks, and, specifically, why we’ve only seen the LG-branded device, when there are supposed to be so many other devices.

I got plenty of answers, but what was really interesting to me, was that none of the answers were what I was expecting. I received plenty of sarcastic comments (which are always welcomed, oddly enough), but most were pretty straight forward.

I actually want to focus on one of the sarcastic comments, actually. Because there’s a moment where, maybe (just maybe), it could be exactly what’s going on. In the comment, Twitter user @OrangeandBlackk (Andy Geleff), suggested that LG had an “exclusive.” I laughed at this, as I’m sure he did, too, but what if, right? What if LG really does have an “exclusive” on being the first Nexus device launched with this new strategy? Meaning, there could be multiple Nexus devices launching, but LG gets to be first for a set period of time – maybe even the only one launched in 2012.

To go along with this, without the exclusive aspect, @haloruler64 (Dima Aryeh) suggested that maybe LG’s device is the device that is good in its own right, but that the other Nexus devices are just even more worthwhile, and their secrecy is of the utmost importance right now. (I actually like this idea, as it gives a whole new twist to the whole “controlled leak” idea.)

And then, @techsinger89 (Nick Miller) chimed in with suggesting that maybe the LG Nexus is the only Nexus coming down the pipe. I hate that this might be a possibility, but with all these leaks focused just on one device, I can’t help but start to wonder if that’s exactly what’s going to happen.

So I want to hear from you, Dear Reader. I want to know what you think of all these leaks, and if there’s anything to them (outside of just showing off a new device). Does this mean that we’re only going to see one new Nexus handset? Or, does LG get to be the first out of the gate, and the other devices are hidden behind large steel doors where cameras mysteriously break down? Let me know!

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