Motorola Photon Q 4G LTE rumored to be headed to Sprint

Good news for fans of Sprint's Motorola Photon 4G, as a new rumor suggests that as Sprint is making the move to 4G LTE, so too will the Photon's successor. A report out of Pocketnow claims that the new handset may be dubbed "Motorola Photon Q 4G LTE," and besides having a name that makes this guy think of an LTE-enabled mashup between the original Photon and the Motorola Q, the device is expected to be Moto's first LTE offering on the Now Network. No launch or spec details for the Photon Q 4G LTE are mentioned.

The original Photon 4G received a warm welcome when it hit Sprint shelves last July, and with Sprint's new LTE network coming soon and the introduction of a new EVO family member, Sprint could also tap Motorola for a new Photon to help build off of the original's success and flesh out its LTE roster. It's kind of a bummer that there none of this new Photon's specs have been leaked yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up being a high-end device like the original Photon was when it launched. How many of you would be interested in checking out a new Photon for Sprint's LTE network?

Via Pocketnow

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