RIM responds to BlackBerry PlayBook battery life claims

Just a couple of days ago, speculation was running rampant that the BlackBerry PlayBook may get delayed due to poor battery life.  Of course, RIM couldn't let claims like that sit and stew for long, especially with their device slated to come out in a few short months.  Today the company responded to the PlayBook battery speculation with a short statement, which you can read below:

"Any testing or observation of battery life to date by anyone outside of RIM would have been performed using pre-beta units that were built without power management implemented. RIM is on track with its schedule to optimize the BlackBerry PlayBook's battery life and looks forward to providing customers with a professional grade tablet that offers superior performance with comparable battery life."

It's great to hear that the PlayBook's battery is humming along just fine and that the device is still on schedule to launch in the first quarter of next year.  With a market that's going to be extremely competitive within the next couple of months, it's important for RIM to be able to push the out on time if they want a slice of the tablet market pie.  CES is just around the corner and I expect an updated version of the PlayBook to be on display, so we should be able to get a better feel for the device then.

Via Engadget, Erictric

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