Motorola selects "Xoom" as the name of their Android tablet?

So Motorola's going to show off a Honeycomb-powered tablet at CES, that much we know.  But just what is the thing going to be called?  The name Stingray has been kicked around, but that's just a codename.  There's still nothing official, but a string of trademark filings around the world from Motorola may have revealed the tablet's final name.  The title "Xoom" has been filed for trademark by Moto in the following countries: U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Taiwan.  Need more evidence that Moto has big tablet plans for the name "Xoom?"  The trademarks were filed under the category "Mobile computers and related accessories."

I'm not completely sure how to feel about the name Xoom for Motorola's tablet.  It's certainly not my favorite product name ever, but I suppose that it could be worse.  Interestingly, there's no mention of the word DROID here, which is a title that many thought that Moto's tablet would bear.  After all, it seems like Google is embracing the device, and it's likely that Verizon would do the same.  Why not slap the DROID brand on and help make the tablet more recognizable?  Maybe they're saving the DROID name for smartphones?  Tough to say.  What do you all think of the name Xoom?

Via Engadget, Pocketnow

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