White iPhone 4 sneaks into Apple's 'Store' app

The elusive white iPhone 4 has been making appearances left and right for months now, whether it be in ads, leaked photos, or some random passerby on the street. We have also experienced delay after delay and have heard rumor after rumor as to why we have yet to see it (only to name a few). Here we are, four months after the release of the black iPhone 4 and still no official word on the white beauty.

Over in the MacRumors Forums it was found that Apple's "Store" app (used to reserve products at an Apple store near you) had an interesting new piece of evidence proving the covert phone's existence. The white version of the iPhone 4, both 16 and 32 GB, are now visible within the app, but upon selecting one of the alabaster devices, the dreadful message, "Because of high demand, we are not currently taking iPhone reservations," will appear.

While skimming through AT&T's website last night, I did notice the white version being listed there as well. You can click it and a spec sheet pop-up will show, but of course, it was tagged with "coming soon." However upset you may be that it is not yet here, this does indicate that it is in fact on it's way. If you want, you could compuslively check the app and let us know as soon as your reservation goes through.


Source MacRumors


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