R2-D2 DROID 2 on sale at midnight Sept. 30th at 100 Verizon stores

While the original Motorola DROID 2 is possibly preparing to be discontinued from Verizon's lineup in favor of the DROID 2 World Edition, the R2-D2 DROID is just preparing to be released into the eager paws of consumers on September 30th.  As you can see in the photo above, some Verizon stores are prepping for the special D2, and around 100 stores will even be holding special midnight launches for the limited edition DROID.  It's been said that there will only be approximately 50,000 R2-D2 DROID 2s made, and Verizon stores will be limiting purchases to two per person.

While the R2-D2 DROID 2 only differs cosmetically from the regular DROID 2, I have a feeling that the R2-D2 model is going to be much more sought after.  I'm sure there are plenty of Star Wars fans out there that aren't even on Verizon that will rush out to purchase the collectible (heck, I'm even considering trying to pick one up).  Are any of you going to try and snag an R2-D2 DROID 2, or are you happy with the regular model?

Via Droid Life, Miami Herald

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