Google: FRF72 isn't official update, feverishly working on Froyo

Many Android fans rejoiced when the latest build of version 2.2, FRF72, leaked over the weekend.  However, a Google employee named Ry Guy has said that FRF72 is not the official update that we were all hoping for.  Mr. Guy said that the Google team is "feverishly working" to get the final version of the update out the door.  The official Android 2.2 update will be released when a version is able to meet Google's "quality criteria."  See the entire statement from Ry Guy down below.

Google certainly is taking their sweet time to push out the official Android 2.2 release.  Still, I suppose it's better we wait and get a stable release rather than a bug-filled Froyo (ew).  It's great to see Google employees reaching out and answering questions from users in Google's official forums, as well.  At least now we've been updated on the status of Android 2.2 and can begin speculation on what Google is doing that is delaying the official release.  What do you think they've been working on?

"Ry Guy
Google Employee
07:03 PM
Hey guys,
Just dropping in to let you know that the FRF72 build that is floating around is not the official update. The Android team is feverishly working to get a final version out the door, but like passion-ate has mentioned this will only happen once a release candidate meets our quality criteria.
Since today is the Summer Solstice, we know things will be heating up a bit so hopefully Froyo will be on its way shortly. Thanks for your continued patience!
-Ry Guy"

Via Droid Dog, Android Police

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