Rich Dellinger, creator of webOS notifications, goes to Apple

Just a couple of weeks after Matias Duarte, a major contributor to webOS, left Palm for Google, news has come out that another important webOS figure has left Palm.  Today it was learned that Rich Dellinger, creator of the unobtrusive notification system of webOS, has left Palm for Apple.  Dellinger is now the "Senior User Interface Designer" at Apple, and it appears that he left Palm some time in May after the HP buyout.  Dellinger follows Matias Duarte in leaving the company after the HP buyout was announced and, while we're sure that HP has plenty of talent to put behind Palm, the loss of these major figures behind webOS has to hurt the company.  Now that Apple has Dellinger, we can only hope that he will begin work to improve the iPhone's pop-up notification system.  A mash-up of iOS 4 and webOS has the potential to be really great, especially if Dellinger can help to create another great notification system similar to what he did for Palm.  For now we'll just hope that HP can put some more great talent behind Palm and that they will release some new webOS-based smartphones soon.

Via PreCentral

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