Rumor: Jobs calls Apple Tablet "the most important thing I've ever done"

I’m pretty sure that if the iPhone was capable of having emotions, it might be feeling a little sibling envy right now. Word on the street is that Steve Jobs is more than just enthusiastic about his upcoming Apple Tablet; it’s become the favorite of his creations thus far. 

According to TechCrunch’s Michael Arrington, senior Apple execs and friends of Jobs describe him as being as excited about the tablet device as he’s ever been. That’s quite a statement, considering his past lineup of revolutionary technologies — including the iPhone, iPod, iPod Touch and computing products, among others. The Cupertino honcho has even been overheard saying that the new device “will be the most important thing I’ve ever done.” 

Now all this comes from Arrington, who’s kind of a controversial figure. And say what you want about him — that he’s got questionable ethics and waged a silly war with traditional journalists, or that he’s a genius who smartly leverages his VC contacts for inside info — when all is said and done, this investor-entrepreneur-journalist does tend to get the scoops. 

In his short post, he admitted that Jobs’ gushing was only heard second and thirdhand, but it came from independent sources several different times. He went on to say: “If Steve Jobs thinks the iPhone was just a warm up act to this device, I can’t wait to see what it can do…” 

Actually, that last part, I totally agree with. 


Via: TechCrunch 




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