PhoneDog announces new iPhone site domain name

Hey everyone. If you’re wondering about the status of the domain name for PhoneDog’s new iPhone site, let me fill you in. First, your terrific response has helped to seal the deal on this new project, so a big THANK YOU to everyone who participated or shared their opinions.

Second, the editors have made a final decision: After a lot of thought, careful consideration and some pro/con discussion with suggestions we loved (but that didn’t work for various reasons), we are going with the URL that won the reader poll. The reasons are many, but suffice it to say that it was the best fit in a multitude of ways. (Wow. A lot more goes into picking a domain than you'd think! It wasn't an easy process.) And the fact that it nabbed the most community votes helped clinch it.

And so the official name for PhoneDog’s new iPhone site is Today’s iPhone (!

The editors’ pick for top reader entry (that satisfied all the rules of the mini contest) came from PhoneDog reader Angela Cohen, who sent the first submission for So even though we aren’t moving forward with it, we'd like to thank her for a fun, spunky name that gave us a lot of food for thought. We are happy to award her the prize, so congrats, Angela!

Whether you love the new name or had a different fav, take heart: There will be more opportunities to be involved in the evolution of this site. In fact, here’s a little leak for you right now — If you missed out on the BBerryDog and DroidDog logo contests, you may get another chance. Looks like another design challenge will be heading your way. More details are on the way soon (really, really soon). Stay tuned.

Thanks, everybody!

ADDENDUM: Before you wonder what became of or As previously stated, neither of these are available. We even tried to reach out to the owners, to no avail. Sorry if you had your hopes on this. We tried.

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