What up, Droid? 12/03/09

Things have gotten so crazy in the world of Android recently that it can be difficult at times to simply keep up with a single day's news. And while Sydney, Aaron, Adriana, and Noah have got you covered on the PhoneDog front, we thought a weekly summary of current Android events was in order. So here it is: What up, Droid?

Leaks, leaks, leaks.

Everyone loves a good phone leak, and this past weak has proven pretty satisfying on that front. We saw some creatively cropped snaps of the Sholes Tablet and another Moto (name unknown) that features capacitive buttons. We caught a glimpse of an HTC device known as Rome, and although no phone images were involved, the big HTC leak of the week came in the form of a list of device code names that was buried within an HTC ROM, which was, of course, being investigated by hackers. (cont.)



There was also a hint of Calgary's imminence and some talk of Dell's Mini 3iX, and I think that about covers the impending big devices news.

Cliq update

I've had fun with the Cliq, but was put off in a violent fashion by drifting homescreen calibration issues. Thankfully, Motorola has addressed that problem with a fix that also takes care of rapid battery drain and allows the user to set up profiles for battery conservation. Cool.

If you haven't received your update yet, manually tell your phone to check, like I did.

Google Phone

The Google Phone buzz was in full effect this week, as I think it will be until the launch. Launch? Maybe I shouldn't go so far but the rumors have to be based at least partially in truth, I think. If not, someone's doing some darn good punking.

Droid and Eris

The buy one, get one deal Aaron got the early scoop on is real, but it turns out that only the Eris is free. So, You buy an Eris, you get an Eris. You buy a Droid, you get an Eris. Not too shabby. I'm a fan of Eris and just posted the first of a multi-part video review. Check it out. I also made a two-part video answering your questions and fulfilling your requests.

I feel obliged to mention a bit of news about the iDroid app. Frankly, I'm getting tired of the advertizing. Oh, a 2.0.1 update will be hitting Droids in the next few weeks. Cheers! Look for auto-focus fixes and better voice reception.

Hero and 2.1

Speaking of updated software, Heroes have been seen running 2.1 in the wild. Now it's available to the hacking community. And, while on that subject, I should point out the the Behold II has been rooted.

If you love the European Hero, check this out: those cool lines and retro styling may be headed to AT&T! Even if not, you'll be able to buy one and use their 3G bands.

That covers the major items of the past week, folks, but here are a few leftover items:

ADC 2 winners announced

ZiiLABS announces Trinity

Acer Liquid on Amazon

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