Guys go for world texting record, get dictionary-thick phone bill instead

What's up with this trend of text-happy users and their huge, ridiculous bills? At least this time, the effort was made with a specific goal in mind.

Going for a text messaging world record, two guys in central Pennsylvania spent the greater part of March attached to their phones. In the end, when the messages were counted, those crazy fellas ? probably looking on with tired eyes and cramped fingers ? had sent a combined total of 217,000 phone-spanking messages.

And so they wait for that glorious day when their effort will be certified and the endeavor will be entered into the books. But instead of a ?welcome to the club? orientation from the Guinness Book of World Records people, what they got was a totally different kind of book.

Actually, it was a phone bill ? a pile of papers with a depth measurable in inches and a grand total of $26,000. (It cost $27.55 in postage just to send the thing!)

What kind of idiots would embark on this whacked-out scheme without an unlimited texting plan? Well, not even these dudes, it turns out. The  guys ? Nick Andes, 29, and Doug Klinger, 30, of the Lancaster area ? did have unlimited text messaging plans by T-mobile

When the Associated Press contacted the carrier, it seemed just as gobsmacked as the two fellas. To its credit, T-mo acted quickly to credit the accounts and is already investigating the charges.

After all that, there's still no confirmation on if the stunt qualified for the world record yet. As for the texters themselves, no word on whether they have careers, hobbies ?you know, real lives ? or not, but my money's on the latter.

[Associated Press via App Scout]

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