Android gets fart apps

It snuck up on me but I'm sure some of you felt this coming. Pull My Finger and Noble Fart bring all the joy and sophomoric pride that iPhone users have known for the past weeks to the infinitely less mature nerds of the Android fold. Remember that I'm talking about myself before you get offended.

Pull My Finger just has four buttons; labeled Fart 1, Fart 2, etc. The audio quality is decent, but what happens when you need to customize the fart for a certain situation or person? Bah! Get Noble Fart! Which is, if anything, noble. It features a pretty interface with a great graphic, and six, count 'em SIX different farts - each represented by a button emblazoned with a descriptive title: "Wet, Deep, Long, Blow, Airstart, and (my personal favorite) Special." The app is free until 2075.

Search the market for "fart" and let 'er rip.

Both apps function well and feature fairly faithful faux flatulence for your funny. O.K., O.K. I'm done for the day.

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