Alpha Waves : Do Cell Phones Affect Brain Behavior?

There's a really interesting post over on Boing Boing about the effect that cell phone usage seems to have on the human brain.  New research shows that the electromagnetic signals coming out of mobile phones can alter brainwaves and even affect your behavior, boosting alpha waves and potentially causing difficulty in falling asleep after being exposed to the signals.

What's even more interesting is that cell phones apparently emit these signals on frequencies that are far more in tune with human brainwave activity than all of the other signals being bounced around our technology-filled world.  Boing Boing quotes Scientific American in saying that a researcher "finds this fact especially remarkable when considering that everyone is surrounded by electromagnetic clutter radiating from all kinds of electronic devices in our modern world. Cell phones in talk mode seem to be particularly well-tuned to frequencies that affect brainwave activity."

Twenty years from now it'll be interesting to see what effects mobile phone signals wind up having on our noggins, huh?

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