WeMail App review

Today I want to show you a little app called the WeMail. Chances are, you’ve never probably heard of it before and that’s because it’s a brand new email application. It’s actually designed to be the first mobile email with personal voice recording and instant message-like delivery. And the founders of Twitch, Scribd, Flurry and Reddit have all invested into this email app. So that’s really neat to think about considering just how successful and reputable those sites are.

But this is the app. It’s called WeMail and this version is for testing purposes so there might be a few minor hiccups here and there. To get started, you can choose to sign into either your Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo or AOL email accounts. I’m going to sign in to my Yahoo account for this video.

But once you do sign in, there’s a little statement that says “Take a Tour. WeMail reduces the size of your inbox by up to 90%, keeping your inbox clean and organized.” And you can start the tutorial and it will prepare your inbox. Organization is really key as your emails will be neatly organized by the senders. If you go to your inbox once it’s all prepared, it sort of reminds me a lot of standard Gmail app in that the email customization button is at the bottom lower right hand corner in blue. Each email is presented in a sort of a card-like fashion and you can swipe in from the left to view other various settings.

So let’s go ahead and compose an email by tapping on the little pencil icon. If we do that, we’ll find the options to email whomever we like while with the subject and the message. We’ll write a short little message and send it off, which is pretty straightforward but if we dive into the settings and go to our sent messages and view that email thread, look at that. It looks just like Instant Messaging. It features a super clean layout with the message I sent and really not much else. From there, I can actually add a voice message super easily by just tapping on the microphone button or I can hold to record my message. And just like that it’s sent automatically.

It really works well and you don’t have to use voice messaging if you don’t want to, that’s not a problem. You can always tap on the reply button to write a message if you’d like. And on top, you can tap on the four square icon and it’ll take you to all the attachments in that thread, which is pretty handy especially if you send a bunch of attached files like pictures or documents. You name it, they’ll shop up here.

And then next to that, there are some more options like reply, forward, delete, move to inbox, and mark as unread. Now if we tap on the search icon, we’ll see all of my emails categorized by the date. We can also swipe to the right to view all the people in my inbox. Most of the “people” in my inbox are companies since this isn’t really my main email account. But if we swipe one more row over, we’ll find all of my emails that includes my attached files in them so that you can find the email or the file you’re looking for more quickly and easily. And then up on the top, you can search for a specific keyword to find exactly what you are looking for.

The four square icon on the inbox page will actually take us to a special page that filters various attachments so that we can view all the attachments just the documents or the photos. So once again, this makes finding exactly what you’re looking for very easy and convenient.

One other section that’s handy and worth taking a look at is the Note to Self category, which is pretty self-explanatory. You can view all the notes you’ve made to yourself and make new ones by tapping on the icon on the upper right hand corner. Usually when I transfer a file from my computer to my tablet or my smartphone, the quickest and easiest way for me is just to email the file to myself. So personally, I really like this feature and I like how it’s incorporated into the app.

You can also stay organized by viewing all of your created folders by expanding the folders slide-down menu and the settings drawer. These are all the folders I created in Yahoo a long time ago and as you can see they carried over and were found by this app. And if you remember back to the beginning of this video, where we had an option to sign into our email when we first opened up this app. If you go to the settings, you can actually add another email account and have all of your email accounts managed through this one app so it’s definitely pretty handy.

But overall, the more I actually used this email app and learn more about it, the more I like what I saw. At first, it sort of reminded me of the new inbox app by Gmail but I would say it’s less confusing since your emails aren’t’ all automatically categorized in your main inbox. So it shouldn’t look as foreign to you when you first start to use WeMail. And just with mobile text starting to really explode, it makes sense for emails to appear in a simple text messaging format. The audio voice recording is certainly a welcomed feature that can really speed up and personalize emails in an all new way. I really believe this app has a lot of potential. It can seriously be the next big email app next to Gmail.

So that is my review of the WeMail app. Let me know what your thoughts are in a comment down below. 

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