Pantech Crossover Unboxing

Check out Sydney's first impressions of the Pantech Crossover Android smartphone in this unboxing video. The Crossover is Pantech's first Android smartphone on AT&T and boasts somewhat mid-range specs - a 3.1-inch touchscreen, a 3-megapixel camera, and a 600 MHz processor.

The design is rather bulky and robotic. Pantech claims that it is a "rugged phone" but gave no details on what exactly it can go through. Along with Android 2.2, Pantech added its own custom UI to the Crossover. The UI adds a lot of skin improvements to Android as well as several custom widgets that are very customizable and useful.

Will Pantech's first smartphone attempt be a success or a flop? Watch the unboxing for some first impressions and check back for the full review.

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