Last year was the year of the Snapdragon. Qualcomm's 1GHz processor swept the market off its feet and introduced us all to speeds we weren't used to...
A little over a week ago, there were rumors that Motorola and Verizon had finally begun rolling Android 2.3 out to the DROID X. Unfortunately, it ended...
Virgin Mobile's current Android lineup consists of the LG Optimus V and Samsung Intercept, but a new leak has shown that it may be adding a third device...
Last week, we heard rumors from several different sources claiming that the Motorola DROID Bionic had been cancelled and would be replaced by the Targa...
Over the last two years, smartphones have greatly changed. The technology inside our pocket computers has undergone some major improvements; displays...
The Motorola XOOM is already available both in a WiFi-only flavor as well as a version compatible with Verizon's network, with a Sprint-ready model on...
The HTC DROID Incredible 2 launch date appears set for April 28th, and now it seems that the Samsung DROID Charge may be joining the DInc 2 on that date...