Google talks 5G and why it wasn't included with Pixel 4

We saw a multitude of Pixel 4 leaks and rumors in the weeks leading up to Google's announcement yesterday, and one of them claimed that Google might announce a 5G version of the Pixel 4. That didn't happen, and now a Google executive has explained why the new Pixel doesn't support 5G.

According to Brian Rakowski, VP of product management at Google, the Pixel 4 doesn't support 5G because "now is not the right time to buy a 5G phone." Speaking to PCMag, Rakowski said that 5G coverage isn't broad enough right now for consumers to benefit and the hardware is "still power hungry [and] immature."

Of course, this doesn't mean that there will never be a 5G Pixel. Rakowski added that while there is "work to be done there," Google is tracking 5G progress and will "bring a phone out when we feel like it's a good time for users".

Several carriers around the world have launched 5G networks, including all four major U.S. carriers. For the most part, though, these 5G deployments have been pretty small so far. In the U.S., the four big U.S. carriers only offer 5G in parts of select U.S. cities. 5G is still very much in early days both in regard to networks and phone hardware, so it's not a huge surprise that Google would hold off on adding 5G to its new Pixels. Next year after the networks and tech have had some time to mature, things could be different.

Would you buy a 5G Pixel if Google sold one today?

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