Walmart's InHome Delivery service will drop off groceries in your fridge

Amazon currently offers its Key and Key for Garage services that'll allow a delivery person to drop off packages inside your home and garage, respectively, and now Walmart is announcing a similar service for groceries.

Walmart InHome Delivery will let consumers order groceries online and then have them delivered inside your refrigerator. The Walmart delivery person will use a "smart entry technology" to enter your home and they'll be wearing a camera so that you can watch the delivery remotely.

In its announcement, Walmart explains that its delivery people will be "focused" on the InHome Delivery service. They'll go through an "extensive" training program that Walmart says "prepares them to enter customers' homes with the same care and respect with which they would treat a friend's or family's home". The training will also teach them how to choose the freshest groceries and how to most efficiently organize them in your fridge.

Walmart also says that the InHome Delivery workers will have worked at a local Walmart store for at least a year before being involved with the service. 

Walmart's InHome Delivery service will launch this fall. To start, it'll be available to more than one million consumers in three cities: Kansas City, MO; Pittsburgh, PA; and Vero Beach, FL.

Being able to order your groceries online and then have them show up in your fridge at a time of your choosing sounds pretty convenient. Some folks might be a little uncomfortable with a delivery person entering their home and putting groceries in their fridge, but Walmart is probably hoping that having the delivery person wear a camera and letting you watch as the groceries are delivered will help make you more comfortable with the whole experience.

What do you think of this Walmart InHome Delivery service? Would you give it a try?

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