Did you get your iPhone's battery replaced to avoid throttling?

Apple is definitely not a stranger to drama. The biggest company in the smartphone industry is one that has made a groundbreaking smartphone, and it continues to sell millions of units every quarter, but it's not infallible. Apple makes mistakes, and when it gets caught the fallout always seems to be a bit bigger than any other company.

Samsung is probably the closest, and it took the company to have exploding smartphones to get even remotely close.

There are plenty of cases we could look at, but let's just look back to late last year. We all found out that Apple throttles (older) iPhones. The reasoning for this, according to Apple, was that it was aiming to improve the lifespan of the device, both in its software and in battery health. Apple made it clear that it didn't want to apply any further strain on an aging battery, so, as a result, it throttles the phone.

I'll be honest: I don't think this is inherently evil. Or even a bad move. However. I don't care that this is Apple and they want to control every aspect of the phone, even if it means the owner of the handset doesn't have a say in the matter. Apple should have been forthcoming about the feature -- and not in an Apple jargon way, either. Explicitly tell owners what the feature is, how it works, and give them a way to disable it if they want.

That's what Apple did after it got caught, and that's simply not good enough.

I saw a lot of people go for a battery replacement in their aging iPhone, which Apple helped facilitate by dropping the battery replacement cost. But I also saw folks who pointed out that their throttled iPhone was an issue, and that Apple's behavior wasn't good enough. As a result, they switched to Android. I know a few people personally who did this, and they haven't looked back since.

So, now that it's been a few months since all of this has been discovered and made public, where do you stand on it? Did you, or do you, have a throttled iPhone? Did you keep it, get a battery replacement, upgrade to a new iPhone, or switch away from the platform? Let me know!

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